Thursday, August 13, 2009


Pretty Heels

Today is a funny day because I encountered a lot of funny things on the MRT. I almost couldn't take it and burst out laughing because something really funny happened. So I ended up tearing like mad because I was trying very hard to suppress my laughter. Okay that was totally embarrassing because I freaking cried in the middle of the train. Like wth.

Anyway, I saw the biggest housefly in my entire life in the school's library, which totally freaked us (Candice, Grace, Thalia, Rachelle) out. I almost wanted to flatten it with my file, but I realised that its body may stick on it, and that'll be mega ew. BUT IT WAS FREAKING HUGE, like the size of a nymph. Freaky okay!

Okay I've just finished my homework that's due tomorrow and I'm really proud of myself.


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